Exploring the biggest questions in our professional careers with the help of industry-leading thinkers and doers on LinkedIn.

Small bite-sized social videos optimized for LinkedIn highlighting people’s values and sharing them with others.

Why need it?

Video makes social media posts six times more engaging. 

Instead of boring text posts, use YOUR voice and make a stronger connection within your network.


You will schedule a call with Anfon Ha via phone or Skype. The conversation will last about 15-20 minutes. Anfon will send you a few questions before your call, so you have time to prepare for an excellent response.

How to prepare

If you have content that you want to turn into a Snack Quote, come with suggestions to work through those talking points during your conversation. 


If you end up sharing your Snack Quotes on LinkedIn, please tag Anfon Ha and vice versa.


There is no cost. 

If you would like to pay it forward, donations can be made at aha@ahaconcepts.com via Paypal.